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Monday, February 27, 2012

Movie Review: Act of Valor

So by now everyone has seen the trailers for Act of Valor, the movie about active-duty Navy Seals who in general kill terrorists like you punch in every morning to sit in a cubicle. They straight up fuck peoples' days up.

If you couldn't tell that there are soft parts you're a clown. Toward the end it gets real fucking mushy but the ridiculous gun battles and shit make up for the cheesy type shit.

Overall if you want to watch the most ridiculously trained animals go after evil and equally badass terrorists and fuck their days up then this is the movie for you. It is pure Amurica without being dripping in political bullshit. These guys only give a fuck about killing the bad guys, and that's how the movie was made also. It's like real-life Team America. Hoorah.

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