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Friday, December 23, 2011

Fuck Political Parties

From USA Today:
A USA TODAY analysis of state voter registration statistics shows registered Democrats declined in 25 of the 28 states that register voters by party. Republicans dipped in 21 states, while independents increased in 18 states.

The trend is acute in states that are key to next year's presidential race. In the eight swing states that register voters by party, Democrats' registration is down by 800,000 and Republicans' by 350,000. Independents have gained 325,000.

I'm not saying being an Independent is awesome or anything. But I am saying fuck political parties. I vote how the fuck I want. And apparently other people are getting the message too. We need more than two choices as far as mainstream political parties. Especially since when rubber hits the road both of the parties overspend our money and allow for economic conditions that send jobs overseas and shit. 
Most politicians suck. So why register for one party and limit yourself to one group of assholes instead of having free choice for whatever asshole you want? That's what being an Independent is all about. You pick the asshole who is going to lie to you and screw you over instead of just picking the party whose idiot will fuck you.

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