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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where Can I Get Research Dough?

From Huffington Post:
Filling next year's schedule with classes that start at 2pm?
According to a recent study, students who have later classes sleep longer than their counterparts that don't, but also drink more and get worse grades.

The study was conducted by two St. Lawrence psychologists who surveyed 253 students about a variety of factors associated with mood, sleep and academic performance. 

“Later class start times seemed to change the choices students make: They sleep longer, and they drink more," said Pamela Thacher, co-lead author on the study to Health.com.

In brighter news, the study also found that students on average get the recommended 8 hours of sleep.

Where can I get me some fucking research money? I wonder how much these St. Lawrence idiots needed to come up with "kids who take later classes get drunk more and get lower grades". I could have fucking told you that for fucking free. 

And I'm one of them. If I had it my way I would never take a class before 11am. Going to 8am class hungover with 4 hours of sleep is the worst. And good students (AKA nerds) are like "I just want to get classes over with." So they take all early morning fucking classes. Personally there is nothing I want to get over enough to wake up at 6am and spend the next three hours in class. I'd rather be shot.

Anyway the bottom line is, research on college students is a joke. These guys just wrote down their findings and pocketed the cash. Fucking beat my slow ass to the punch. And I'm not happy.

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