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Thursday, October 28, 2010

South Park Season Review: Over the Hill?

Okay so the new season of South Park, which ye slackers can see here, is in full swing and I'm not sure if I'm sold on this season. I mean, the NASCAR episode was pretty fuckin funny, making fun of rednecks is sure TV gold.

The second episode was okay, except I was talking to some people about it and I guess the whole part with Kyle's mom was a reference to "The Real Houswives of New Jersey?" Come on guys, no one who watches your show watches that one also. Jersey Shore, yeah obviously everyone loves making fun of them, but the Housewives? My mom watches that, not me.

Then "Insheeption." Okay it was pretty funny to make fun of how ridiculously complication Inception was, but, overall, the episode was not that funny. The same continuous joke the entire episode, even Family Guy kills their long winded jokes at like five minutes.

And now we have the second part of the "Coon" saga. This episode I liked, but it is good as a parody of our hindsight prone culture, not really that funny. Honestly I think it's more sad than anything to bring up how shit fucks up and we just think about what we could have done. Weak.

That said, I have faith in the creators of South Park, and I'm hoping they will recapture the magic they had just last season with such gems as "Medicinal Fried Chicken" and "Scrotey McBoogerballs."

Come back funny South Park, we miss you.

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